Fairview Cemetery
Eleazer Hamlin
(also given Ennuaznn), Barnstable. Private, 6th co., Col. Gamaliel
Bradford’s regt.; Continental Army pay accounts
for service from May 22, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. John Russell’s
co., Col. Bradford’s regt.; return of men in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777; enlisted
May 22, 1777; joined June 26, 1777; also, same co. and regt.; muster roll for
Dec., 1777; enlistment, 3 years;
reported sick in general hospital at Albany;
also, same co. and regt.; return [year not given] ; residence, Barnstable;
enlisted for town of Barnstable; mustered by County and Continental Muster Masters;
reported on furlough; also, Fifer, Co1onel’sco., Col. Bradford’s regt.; Continental
Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780;
also, Private, Colone1’s co., Col. Brad ford’s (14th) regt.; muster roll for Oct.—Dec.,
1780,dated I-Iutts near West Point; reported sick and absent; also, Capt. Zebulon
King's co., Lieut. Col. John
Brooks‘s (7th) regt.; muster rolls for Jan. and
May, 1781, dated West Point; reported on extra duty in Jan., 1781,on extra
duty as bargeman in May, 1781; also, muster roll for June, 1781; reported on
command as boatman; also, muster rolls for July—Sept., 1781; reported on command
with Maj. Derby (also given
Darby) in July and Aug, 1781; also, muster roll
for Oct. and Nov., 1781,dated York Hutts; reported on command cutting wood;
also, descriptive list dated Feb. 20, 1782; Capt. Zebulon King’s co., Lieut. Col.
John Brooks’s (7th) regt.; age, 21 (also given 19) yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 5 (also
given 5 ft. 6) in.; complexion, light (also given dark); hair, light (also given
dark); birthplace, Barnstable; residence, Barnstable; enlisted June ~, 1779,by
Lieut. Bramhall; enlistment, during war; also, Capt. King’s co., Lieut. Col. John
Brooks’s (7th) regt.; register of furloughs granted subsequent to Jan. 1, 1781; leave
given said Hamblen by Col.Brooks March 5, 1782,to go from West Point to
Barnstable for 30 days; also,descriptive list of deserters, dated West Point,
Aug. 18, 1782; Capt. King’s co.,
Lieut. Col. Brooks‘s 1'egt.; age, 21 yrs.;
stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; residence, Barnstable; enlisted for
town of Barnstable; deserted April 5 (also given April 10), 1782,from
furlough. (Massachusetts Soldiers and
Sailors of the Revolutionary War)